Privacy Policy


In order to purchase tickets and related services through our site, essential personal information such as your name, your telephone number, your email address, and any additional information required for authenticating a purchase is required. If you are purchasing multiple tickets or buying tickets on behalf of others, please ensure that each of these other customers agrees, in advance, to disclosure of their personal information to us.

If you purchase ticket(s), your name and address may be provided to another user for the sole purpose of delivering the specific purchased product(s). The other user agrees to not use this information for any other purpose, either in connection with such shipment(s) or separately from such shipment(s). The other user also agrees not to separately contact you at any time for any reason.

Information you provide may also be provided to our partners to verify your compliance with any special conditions which might apply.


If you choose to become a registered customer of Tixtransfer Services, you must provide us with your name, address, telephone number, email address, a unique login name, password. This information is collected on registration form for various reasons including: (i) for your personal identification; (ii) complete reservations; (iii) to enable us and our partners to contact you for customer service purposes; (iv) to tailor the content of our site to meet our customer’s needs; (v) to share certain information with selected partners; (vi) to make any necessary product improvements to our site and (vii) to permit us or our partners to verify your compliance with any special conditions which might apply. Please note that we do request your email address to confirm new client registration and each time you purchase a ticket via our website.


Tixtransfer Services may share your personal information (excluding credit or bank card details) with certain selected Tixtransfer Services partners if you register with Tixtransfer Services or transact on a co-branded partner site.

If you opt in, these partners may use your personal information to contact you regarding related sites which they think may be of interest to you as a Tixtransfer Services customer.

These partners will be based worldwide and by agreeing to this privacy policy, you are consenting to the transfer of your personal data to these selected partners regardless of where they are based.


Generic information about your computer's connection to the Internet, called "session data", will automatically be logged. This information is anonymous and can not be used to track your personal information. Session data consists of things such as IP address, operating system and type of browser software being used and the activities conducted by the user while on our site. An IP address is a number that enables computers attached to the Internet, such as our web servers, to know where to send data back to the user, such as the pages of the site the user wishes to view. We collect session data because it helps us administer our website, track correlative information and to collate statistics in relation to visitor traffic. We may use your IP address to help diagnose problem with our server. Rest assured that this information cannot be linked to you personally.


A cookie is a small file of information that is automatically stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive when you enter our website. Cookies can only identify your computer and not the individual user, by storing some basic information which will enable us to identify if you have previously visited our website. Cookies are only read by the server that placed them, and are unable to do such things as run programs on your computer, plant viruses, or harvest your personal information. The use of cookies is very common and Tixtransfer Services’ use of cookies is similar to that of other reputable online companies.

Any personal information that you provide us with such as your name and address etc. is neither gathered nor stored in cookies placed by the Tixtransfer Services website and, as a result, your information will not be passed on to any third parties.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but it is possible to change the options on your web browser or use certain software programs, which will enable you to control how and whether cookies will be accepted by your browser. You can disable cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent. Tixtransfer Services supports your right to block any unwanted Internet activity, especially that of unscrupulous websites, but please note that if you choose to block Tixtransfer Services cookies, this may disable certain features on our site and may make it impossible to purchase or use certain services available on the site. It is possible however to block cookie activity from certain websites while permitting cookies from sites you trust, like Tixtransfer Services.


As a Tixtransfer Services customer, you may opt in at any time to occasionally receive updates from us about ticket sales in your area, special offers, new services, and other items that may be of interest to you via email, text messages, phone or post. Where previous indication of consent has been provided, it is possible for you to opt out at any time, in order to no longer receive these types of messages either through an opt out feature in message or through your account settings. Your account settings are accessible on the Tixtransfer Services home page.

As a Tixtransfer Services customer, you may opt in at any time to occasionally receive updates from us about ticket sales in your area, special offers, new services, and other items that may be of interest to you via email, text messages, phone or post. Where previous indication of consent has been provided, it is possible for you to opt out at any time, in order to no longer receive these types of messages either through an opt out feature in message or through your account settings. Your account settings are accessible on the Tixtransfer Services home page.


We do not sell, rent or trade your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without your express consent.


Tixtransfer Services may contain links to other websites for which we are not responsible. By clicking on any such links, you are entering another website which will contain content and practices for which Tixtransfer Services has no responsibility. We therefore encourage you to read the privacy statements of all such sites independently as their policies may be materially different from this Privacy Policy. Please note that it is your responsibility to maintain secrecy of your passwords and your Tixtransfer Services membership account information. Please be vigilant with this information, especially whenever you are online.

We may use third-party advertising companies, to serve or track ads on our website and other websites. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to measure advertising effectiveness and to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you.


Please note that from time to time, Tixtransfer Services may transfer your personal and/or financial information to a related company or partner in order to improve our services or to help our security, credit risk or fraud protection activities. By submitting to us your details, you are providing consent to the transfer of your information for the purposes set out in this paragraph. Please acknowledge that any transfer of information will take place in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by law.


In the event that Tixtransfer Services is sold, or transferred some of its assets to another party, our customer information will most likely also be transferred in connection with such acquisition. If your personal information is transferred, use of such information would remain subject to this Privacy Policy. Your personal information will be passed on to a successor in interest in the event of a liquidation or administration of Tixtransfer Services.

You can always submit concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or our privacy practices via email by contacting us. Please reference the privacy policy in your subject line. Tixtransfer Services will attempt to respond to all reasonable concerns or inquiries within five business days of receipt.
