Become A Seller

Verified Sellers Only

Get the advantage of selling tickets at real market prices. Sell safely in high volume

Class leading Technology

Sell your tickets quick through any device easily

Best Selling Platforms

Make maximum profit with 1BoxOffice international ticket resell platform

Worldwide Secured Payments

Get payments safe & secure directly from

Your Details

Please write about your selling history (your experience and track record) to help us verify your account quickly.

Selling FAQ

  • Tixtransfer only allows trusted ticket brokers to list genuine tickets. You will first need to submit a request to become a trusted seller. Our compliance team will contact you shortly after submitting your request. If successful we will grant you access to list your tickets on our platform.
  • Simply search for the event you would like to list the tickets for and fill in all the necessary ticket information such as Ticket Category, Quantity, Ticket Restrictions and most importantly your Selling Price.
  • Unlike many other ticket platforms, the great thing about us is we do not charge Sellers to list their tickets with us.
  • To fulfil your sale and ensure a smooth transaction process, follow these steps:

    1. Pending Confirmation Email: Upon receiving the "Pending Confirmation" email. This email serves as a notification for you and in addition to undergo security checks with the buyer.

    2. Confirmation of Sale: Once the security checks are completed satisfactorily, you will receive a confirmation email. This indicates that the sale has been confirmed, and you can proceed with the next steps. Once the sale is confirmed it cannot be cancelled.

    3. Shipping/Transfer/Upload: After confirmation, it's crucial to take immediate action to deliver the tickets to the buyer. If physical tickets are involved, they should be shipped via recorded mail. For domestic shipments in the UK, Royal Mail Special Delivery is recommended. For international deliveries, consider reputable couriers like FedEx, DHL, or UPS.

    4. Proof of Delivery: To ensure you receive payment for the tickets, it's imperative to obtain proof of delivery. This can be achieved by using recorded mail services or courier companies. Without proof of delivery, there's a risk that you may not be compensated for the sale.

    5. Updating the System: Once you dispatch the tickets to the buyer, it's essential to update the system with the correct tracking number. This helps in tracking the shipment and provides transparency to both parties involved in the transaction.


    By adhering to these steps and maintaining clear communication with the buyer and the platform, you can effectively fulfil your sale and ensure a positive experience for all parties involved.

  • You will receive payment for your delivered tickets according to the following schedule:

    Payout Dates: Payments for delivered orders are scheduled for the 2nd and 16th of every month.

    Eligibility: To be eligible for payment on these dates, the orders must have taken place at least 10 working days before the payout date.

    Bank Transfer: Bank transfers to European accounts are free of charge. However, for transfers outside of Europe, there may be a charge depending on the country. Please check with your account manager for more information.


    It's important to ensure that you fulfil orders promptly and provide all necessary documentation, such as proof of delivery, to facilitate timely payments.

  • If you find yourself in a situation where you have a confirmed order but no longer possess the tickets, it's crucial to take immediate action. We take order fulfilment very seriously to protect our buyers. Our guarantee ensures all sales are protected and fulfilled on time. Failure to supply the tickets sold will result in your account being fined £25 plus the cost to replace the order with equivalent or better tickets. Your account may be suspended and all payments held.

    By promptly addressing the situation and working collaboratively with the Tixtransfer team, we can mitigate the impact of the issue and uphold the integrity of your account within the platform.
